Get In Touch


Give us a ring anytime! We may be with a client when you call, so feel free to leave a message. We’ll get back to as soon as possible.


We love getting electronic mail!
*All emails and voicemails will be answered during business hours of Monday-Friday 


3214 E Market St, East York, PA 17402


Located within The Unknown Muscle Massage and Wellness at 3214 East Market St. York, PA 17402. There are 2 entrances into the building. My office is located on the 2nd floor so use the BLUE door facing market street to gain access directly to that floor. If you enter through the red door facing E. Mason Alley  then you will need to come up a flight of stairs. 


Once you enter the BLUE DOOR come to the end of the hallway after the restroom on the left and BEFORE you reach the stairs that go to the 1st floor you will see the waiting room on your left. Make yourself comfortable there and I will come to get you for your appointment.